Ben Ottewell, Ian Ball (& Buddy), La Belle Angele 08/07/24
Songs from quarter of a century ago? Bring It On! (and Liquid Skin)
I've started this blog site as a way of capturing something from the gigs I go to, about the bands, the songs, venues and my fellow giggers (of which there are many and colourful characters). A bit of a review on what I thought of the shows, a record of where we were and what we did and some random antics on the way. Hopefully if you like some of the bands I see, this site will encourage you to look into others as I go to a varied range of music genres, styles and era's.
I've also been adding a song per band/gig I go to on a playlist each year. Here's the last few years and keep an ear to this years as it grows with every gig.
Gigging 2024:
Gigging 2023:
Gigging 2022: